How do i change the admin level names in BAE 2.0?

iv’e searched in all posts and found no result

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Make sure you have the main model if you would like a link to the fixed main model please say so. But otherwise you will most likely have to redo the making or edit the main module a bit.

You can find it in this post, please mark this as solution if this resolved your issue.

If you don’t have the MainMoudle, you can find the fixed version here.

If you have any more Basic Admin issues, just search Basic Admin as a keyword in the search tab, and we have some amazing basic admin guides that can be used by you.

Your an expert at basic admin essentials :skull:

i have the original MainModule r_r owns, is that ok?

Eh, last time I checked it didn’t work. I would use the one I provided.

are you sure it’s line 2585?

Well, have you edited the Essentails Code and added any bits or taken any bits out during your time using it?

For a second i thought it was line 2858 :skull:

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