New profile pictures - Terrible or not so terrible?

Hi cookie tech community,

As you may know, roblox has been working on a feature that allows users to have a custom emote and camera position inside of roblox. A handy post by at @Deleted_User13 displayed how you can use the roblox API to have one of these custom profiles.

Now people are starting to get really creative with this feature and are creating some strange profile pictures:

Some people are wearing shirts and then zooming the camera really close in to make an “image” profile picture.

Personally, I’m not quite sure how I feel about this feature. On one hand, it allows for a lot of customization. However, on the other hand, people can use this for inappropriate things (without using images) and it’s just simply not how roblox profile pictures were originally intended to be used.

What are your views on this?

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:skull: bro is that my post


He was covering the Profile Pictures not the emotes.