Yeah, it’s pretty messed up. Some people are getting warnings for “clickable ads”, is that the warning you got?
Uhm, let me see if I have a screenshot of the warning.
No. I got an ad for it being “inappropiate” I kind of understand the colors are umm… but still, the text is not inappropiate at all. I guess the black and red kinda reminded them of h*** I kinda understand. But you can say h*** in roblox chat. Moderation is one of the worst things. I got 2 warnings, one valid. The second was wasn’t crap.
The valid one was me kinda raging in mm2 lol. the murderer was this level 1 girl and she was so dang laggy, she was like, 500 feet away from me, she got about 20 feet close to me, swung, and I died, when I was in the lobby, I spammed “20 Feet Away!” so the valid one was pretty valid. But still, the “inappropiate” ad was not crap. I swear Roblox decides to hire 5 yr olds to do their moderation, it’s pretty trashy. It’s probably the Admins hiring these 5 yr olds to make up moderation. David would not be happy if he still hired people. SHARKBL0X gets warnings on “SharkTrickShots” almost everyday. Why can’t they just put it all in a 3 day, 7 day, heck, even 2 week ban. Quackity got banned for no freaking reason (IP ban) if you don’t know what an “IP ban” is, it’s worse than an account deleted. It deletes every account on your IP address. I would recommend just play the games. Don’t make ads at this point, it’s not worth getting a warning/ban.
My warning looked like this.
(Not my image) But still pretty dumb. I was just trying to get my Cafe more attention.
Not always the best approach, p-banning straight away isn’t always the best method, depending on what happened it may be better to hit them with a 3 day ban. If somebody was homophobic on the cookie tech forums they would be silenced for quite a while, but they wouldn’t be permanently banned, unless it was a repeat offence.
Sometimes roblox mods don’t select the correct category, it could be the work “Click” that sets of alarms.
ROBLOX Raid | QuackityHQ Wikia | Fandom
Hmmmmmm, I don’t know how I feel about that one, if you raid a forums you can’t expect to get much mercy, raids are one of the worst things to deal with as they lead to a lot of mess, unless it was accidental I think a pban was necessary, the IP ban is just to stop him from making alts.
Oh yeah… I forgot that he raided the forums.
So, after several back and forth conversation, Roblox finally revoked my unfair warning, stating they will use my image content to improve the moderation system and the warning will not have any future affect on my account.
Honestly - when they say “this will not affect your account,” it’s not true. I got a warning for cheering on a friend once - I appealed and they said it’d have no affect, however it did - two false warnings later, I got a false ban for 3 false warnings.
Roblox moderation has never been good, and I doubt that’s going to change - unless Roblox gets a new CEO who has experienced just how bad their moderation is, there’s basically no hope. The company has always favored people who bring them more money. When YouTubers get banned off Roblox, their support experience is magically great. Their appeals always get accepted and Roblox is so helpful to them. This draws attention to them, but in reality, their support & moderation is absolutely terrible, and it’s driving people away from the platform.
Okay, so, if your ad has the word click in it roblox raises their suspicions, as roblox only really wants each ad to get one click, if the ad is appealing and a user clicks it more than once, roblox may issue a warning
Ehhh, I had to go back and forth with youtube support for 2 weeks to unban a video because coding is “hacking”
I also think the auto mod sees the word “click” as sketchy because things like “click for free …” is really common
Apologies - I was referring to their Roblox account. I’ve made the sentence more clear.
It’s not David that is doing it, it’s the stupid admins. David dosen’t really play anymore. Also, the real Founder wasn’t David. It was a different person.
I think some examples of retired and still working at Roblox are these people, they actually care about the game. Unlike other Roblox Admins:
And I saved the best for last. The co-founder!
Sorry for this being a bit off topic but, wasn’t Erik co-founder and David is founder?
No. David is co-founder. Look at his About on his profile, just click it. Erik was the real founder.
Also, david’s reputation is good. but i think erik’s is better.
They can’t content delete the founder’s profile, but they did? Some of these admin’s are just like, stupid. I think if you are gonna be hired. Get a good reputation, some admins ruin the game. It’s dumb. I hate it. And everything is filtered. Like roblox, YOU USED TO BE ABLE TO SAY CUSS WORDS. Now, they don’t let you say it 0_0 It’s dumb. All I’m saying, David, take better care of your game, and don’t hire 5 y/o kids to be admins.