Overhead Rank GUI with new Roblox Ranks

I have seen many overhead ranking GUI’s, and I’ve also seen Roblox added a new type of group roles. I was wondering if anyone knew of an overhead rank GUI system that incorporates the new role type, and is free. Thanks for reading this!

:wave: Welcome back, @BruleCool1!

As far as I know, there is not yet a ROBLOX overhead UI that features the new roles feature. Have you searched the DevForums?

(P.S: I moved your topic to General because it had no category :slight_smile: )

I did a bit of searching on the DevFourms already, I didn’t really find anything. Also, how did you categorize this? Am I able to categorize other posts?

Unfortunately not :frowning:

Only people that are really active and meet the TL3 requirements can use minor actions like this.

Sorry! :cry:

Hi there and welcome to Cookie Tech! I’ve also been curious myself so I did a bit of searching, but I can’t seem to find any overheads (at the moment) that work with the new group roles …

… it’s possible this is because the new group roles are relatively new and because of the differences in role permissions (legacy vs. new roles).

What is the new role type?

It was released a while back, and it replaces regular group roles (which are now called Legacy Roles) with a role that users cannot see on the group, but group administrators can see them on the users information.

You can read more here and here.

Surely roles operate the same they are just viewed differently?

Practically yeah, but im not sure there is a way to link the new feature yet.

Sort of, the permissions in the new roles differ slightly from the legacy roles (that is, the permissions are more “broad” in the new roles) … and I don’t believe there is a way to integrate the new roles into overheads, either (at least, not yet).