Rounded corners in BA Essentials

So alot of games have BA essentials with rounded edges, how do I change it? I know I need to add UICorners in the GUI’s, but how do I add them since they don’t appear on my Roblox Studio.
My studio does have main module.


Can you run the main module with BAE working as normal?

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Yes, there is no issue with the main module.

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Alright, can you send me the module & I will take a look inside of it for you…

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I just now have sent the script on Discord.

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Can you send the entire file here?

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There is a character limit.

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Send the file:

Right click on the model > Export Selection > Save to file > Then drag and drop the file and send it here.

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A quick mistake, it should be save to file.

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MainModule.rbxm (166.1 KB)

Alright, let me take a look shouldn’t be too long…

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Alright, I have the solution:

  • Open your main module.
  • Look for “Essentials Client”
  • Customise your UI from there, you can add UICorner(s) & you can play around with the UI from there.

If this worked please mark it as solution!

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idk where to start :frowning: I would like to do this too

I’ll link you a tutorial written by @cam here.