Saturn | Improved Private Talent Hub 🪐

We’ve moved Saturn here!

How does Saturn work, AI?

I’m actually planning on coding features like this into a cookie tech marketplace, it will be interesting how both will turn out!

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Nope! We have staff who look for you, to ensure the best developers are found!

Hope that goes well! Don’t shut us down though, haha!

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Who knows, collaboration? :eyes:

Are you implying we collaborate? I’d be interested in that!

Saturn version 0.1 updates:

  • Star members will now receive up to 10 contractors
  • Star members can now pay 5 robux monthly for the star plan instead of 10 per project
  • We are now hiring a co-owner

That sound very intriguing and interesting!

I’m interested in enrolling, this concept seems very cool!

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Alright! I will send a PM with further information!

Seems like a really cool platform. I’d be interested in enrolling.

Awesome! Read this post!

Then, send me a message!

Hope this helps @cam!

This is our first review!

We used this feedback to improve our service!

Chairman, Saturn :ringer_planet:


Our new co-owner @HayHay!

Chairman, Saturn :ringer_planet:

Could I be in private beta?

For sure! Please DM me with what developers you need!

Saturn public release tomorrow!!1!1!1!1!11!!!

Thanks to @luke for the wonderful review!