Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 10

Howddyyyy, 2 days remain! :astonished:

The tension is really starting to rise.

@Deleted_User12 Just 3 points away, 3!!! This could be dangerous for @OH20_rbLX, he will now have to maintain his position at #1, it’s going to be hard against @Deleted_User12. Well done to @Kieran climbing a couple of places down below! :tada:

That’s enough suspense, check your position down below:

Username Points Position
oh20_rblx 433 #1
scriptedoreo 430 #2
FriX_0z 159 #3
Delighted_Snowman 91 #4
Kieran 46.5 #5
HayHay 17 #6
Xxxjrgamein938xxX 13.5 #7
25swrld 13 #8
B00PUP 18.5 #9
roblox_jw 9.5 #10
Toznee_Roblox 7.5 #11
CakePlayz 7.5 #11
Deadwoodx 7.5 #11
NeonNathan 4.5 #12
Jake_Westler 3 #13
Conos 3 #13
Cam 3 #13
Levi_B-T 2.5 #14
green_redtop 2.5 #14
chan_Hayden1 2.5 #14
neil 2.5 #14
chunkyylegacy 1.5 #15
MonkeyChings 1 #16
VERSE 0.5 #17
xVoid_xyz 0.5 #17
petruu 0.5 #17
Skzimos 0.5 #17
Aviation 0.5 #17
Jonslau 0.5 #17

Well done everyone, we’re coming to the end!

We wish you luck. :four_leaf_clover:

2 days remaining, get your skates on! :roller_skate:

Follow the main post here for more info/help!

This incredibly close.

I’m not close to any one- 0_0

Really close! Yep, me and Oreo have been battling for 1st place for a while. :trophy:

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