Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - R$2000 Robux Prize

Spring Activity Competition - 2022

Howdy! :cowboy_hat_face:

It’s been a while since our last activity competition.

With Easter :egg: just around the corner now is the perfect time to dish out some robux!

To celebrate we’re going to host an activity competition, our activity competition will last for 1 week and 4 days with contestants being able to enter at any point.

The winner will be rewarded R$2000+

How can I enter the activity competition?

Anybody can join the competition when they want to, you will automatically be entered into the competition as soon as your start posting! :vertical_traffic_light:

Keep in mind you must follow our regulations & rules to have a chance of winning, @moderators can participate in this event, however, everybody will have a fair chance of winning the grand prize of R$2000+.

You will get more points for performing specific actions, you can explore :mag: the point table for more information.

Have more questions?

Check out our FAQ.

Point Table

Performing specific operations on the forums will result in the gaining of “points”. The person with the largest sum of points at the end of the competition will be awarded the grand prize!

This is how many points you can gain for completing a certain action:

Action Points Gained
New topic 2
New reply 1
Invited new user 3
Received like 0.5
Flagged an inappropriate post 4

Don’t know how to perform an action?

Check out our FAQ.

Regulations and Rules

We like to have a good time on the forums! However, rules are put in place to make this competition a fun & enjoyable experience. Rules must be followed, these rules will be enforced.

Our general rules are still in place.

We do not tolerate posts that are clearly spam & made to “gain points” in the competition. Those that flag a bad post will be commended.

If you see a post that clearly is for “point grinding” report them via the specific method - review on the FAQ.

Plagiarising is strictly against our competition rules, we will conduct random plagiarism checks, be weary!

Breaking the rules once will result in a warning, infringing the rules for a second time will result in being disqualified from the activity competition, this will not affect your cookie tech account.

Use general adequate, remember this is a place for civilized conversation, we like to keep our forums clean, you generally won’t get punished for putting your post in the wrong category, but please try to keep your posts in the correct category!

Please refer to our FAQ if you want to report an off-topic post.

We have the right to reject giving you the prize, we will only do this if you have unfairly won or broken multiple rules in trying to win.


Spread the love!

Please make sure to like :heart: other’s posts! We highly condone this behaviour!

What is the main prize?

The winner :medal_sports: will receive R$2000+

How long does the event last?

The event will last from: 2022-03-26T00:00:00Z2022-04-06T14:00:00Z.

How to invite a user?

Image from Gyazo

Report an off-topic post

Image from Gyazo

Report a “spam post”

If the user is clearly “point grinding” you may report them by clicking on: Flag Post > Something Else > then type what the user has done & how they are “point grinding”.

How do I know who is winning!?

Every day a new topic will be made with the current scores! :sparkling_heart:

I have a question!

If you have a question that is not answered feel free to ask your question down below in the responses!


I hope with this competition we will welcome a few new users to the community! We hope this will boost :zap: our activity!

I hope you have an epic time chatting with us.

Happy posting,

@Noah :hugs:


This sounds great! Activity competitions are the best way to keep the forums active.

Best of luck to everyone who participates within this competition, even if you don’t win!

Our 1st point roundup!

Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 1 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

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Our 2nd point roundup, going strong! :muscle:

Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 2 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)


Our 3rd point roundup. @FriX_0z, @Deleted_User12 & @OH20_rbLX you guys are all so close! :link:

Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 3 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)


Yep, we sure are … :eyes:

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I better make some posts and replies in the next couple of hours as I have been inactive today. Hoping Oreo can stay in that #1 position for the next couple of days proving I am the best moderator on the forums, lol.

Haha, we all know the best moderator is technically me. :wink:


Lol. That’s true, since you are the owner of the Forums.

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How to invite user? Idk how

HaHa, watch Oreo win this and claim that reward lol.
In all seriousness, you have done so much for this forums I can class myself as the 2nd best moderator.

Day 4: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 4 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

@OH20_rbLX Your so close behind, is this some sort of tactical play?

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This might help.

I guess you could say that :man_shrugging:

Not really ‘tactical’ but I attempt to post as much as I can throughout the remaining parts of my day, since school takes up a lot of that.

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Almost Saturday, might be handy! :slight_smile:

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It’s amazing what happens when we host things like this!

Try your best, you could get lucky!

Day 4 update: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 5 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

It’s all very tight! :smiley: