Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 6


A lot of progress today, keep in mind we want to boost our replies, we’re getting too many topics, to little replies, make a good topic - Have a “good argument”.

Apart from that it’s time to head back to the leader board.

Past the two hundreds now!

@OH20_rbLX Fighting hard to stay #1, @Deleted_User12 not to fair trailing behind.

I’m still pretty confident if you join the activity competition now if you try super hard you have a chance of winning.

Leader board:

Username Points Position
oh20_rblx 219.5 #1
scriptedoreo 209 #2
FriX_0z 153 #3
Delighted_Snowman 62 #4
B00PUP 20.5 #5
roblox_jw 9.5 #6
Xxxjrgamein938xxX 9.5 #6
25swrld 7.5 #7
Toznee_Roblox 7.5 #7
Kieran 7 #8
HayHay 3.5 #9
CakePlayz 3.5 #9
Jake_Westler 3 #10
Levi_B-T 2.5 #11
green_redtop 2.5 #11
chunkyylegacy 1.5 #12
Conos 1 #13
Cam 1 #13
NeonNathan 1 #13
MonkeyChings 1 #13
VERSE 0.5 #14
xVoid_xyz 0.5 #14
petruu 0.5 #14
Skzimos 0.5 #14
Aviation 0.5 #14
Jonslau 0.5 #14

Well done to everyone who’s doing well!

Keep in mind anybody can join at any time, those that join now still have a chance of winning if they try extra hard!

Follow the main post here for more info/help!

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@OH20_rbLX Close shave today!

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100 points in a day, sheeeesh, I’ll be back up there in time for the big surprise at the end of this competition!

Gee, I would like to see that…


Wait, do messages count? (I’ve been messaging Hayhay about stuff)

This is what the point table looks like:

Action Points Gained
New topic 2
New reply 1
Invited new user 3
Received like 0.5
Flagged an inappropriate post 4

Messages don’t count.

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