Hi! I want to know? What is the scripting youtuber you trust? @Noah Will not be responded to because he is the best. Tell me others, like maybe Ro-Scripter or Twinz Playz.
No not really. Roscripter has great tutorials however they’re TUTORIALS.
The only part of putting accounts in danger is the fact that his bot tutorial was done on glitch which can be seen by the public. In the general aspect of things he is NOT putting accounts in danger and creates relatively good tutorials.
Its your job to know the risks when creating an account and if you’re going to create an account atleast focus when you save your stuff because it says that it’s public
Try making a .env file as it is private
But glitch is not for hosting it’s an IDE, this is what people don’t get, that tutorial was never meant to be used out in the public, it’s simply an IDE where you can write code online.
Learn more: WARNING: Do NOT use RoScripter’s bot tutorial
Cookie and twinz plays
Perhaps RoScripter wasn’t aware he was putting users at risk … nevertheless, he should probably delete or archive that video.
Lets stay on topic please.