Roblox moderation

What are your thoughts about Roblox’s moderation? Do you think it is good? Bad? Why?


I know this topic is very controversial.

However, for the size of Roblox, their moderation is fairly good.

We need to remember that Roblox probably gets 10’s of thousands of reports every day.

I feel that my support with Roblox has been an alright experience, with under 12hr response times, friendly staff & other useful information.

There is a lot of news on “Bad” Roblox moderation, but it’s somewhere in the middle, I have never experience any bad interaction with Roblox moderation.


What about you @xVoid_xyz


I think it’s good but they could improve. Sometimes they just terminate accounts of people who did nothing wrong.


moderation is trash, i could hire MONKEYS and they would do better than roblox moderation, you cant use the fact that a multi billion dollar company gets 10’s of thousands of reports every day (@Noah ) as an excuse for them because they always screw up. And its more than just once or twice terminating people who do nothing wrong every day tens of people get banned for no reason at all, one ROBLOX moderator who left even came out and said that there was a QUOTA of the amount of people that they had to moderate every day, so they KNEW they were giving warnings/bans but 1 they couldnt do anything about it because if they did they would get fired & 2 its mostly the shift managers fault for supporting and causing this to happen


It is very bad because like every day people get banned for stupid reasons. Or the tags system always tags things that don‘t need to be tagged and it does not tag thing that need to be tagged.


Idk I don’t think they ban for some random reasons, they ban for security


They NEED a new tagging system, period.

It’s rotten. Moderates the words hello and bye bye.


Agreed (20 char hdgjhfs)


agreed but their chat filter api is not the best, while i do not admire the roblox moderation team their chat filter api cant just be fixed as easy as you think.

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They do. Someone said “gay“ and their account got banned for 7 days or deleted!

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Lol! Thats true! (Charr)

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You might want to not use that word on the forums-

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I am sure they won‘t ban me for saying that lol.

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Honestly I fell sometimes it’s unfair like I made a plain black shirt and it was moderated saying it was inappropriate

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Then it was approved

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Oh. Well thats bad. ):

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It’s essentially using an API with AI, the AI is trying to look into context, and when it does not get you in the correct context and it can ban.

Ok, about this, we need to talk.

I know for a fact that every child has sworn more than once at school or anywhere else.

And people at school will call you “gay” for saying things they don’t agree with.

E.g “Mustard on hamburgers is gay”. - Never heard that before, it’s just an example.

Now what people don’t take into consideration is that this is technically a homophobic slur.

Calling someone “gay” out of the blue is not good.

However, I think @Robin was talking about a time someone said on roblox, “It’s okay to be gay.” and they got banned, that was a poor move on roblox’s side.

Just at the end of the day don’t be stupid, because saying things can really really haunt you later on.


Oh right! I guess your right.

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