Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - R$2000 Robux Prize

I’m not gonna win so what’s the point

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There’s always a chance, you still have plenty of time to catch up! Don’t give up yet. :+1:


Day 7!!

@OH20_rbLX Got a strong grip on number one!

Follow the progress here: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 7 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev).

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Day 8 is here: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 8 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

@Deleted_User5 Made a great climb! :mountain:

@Deleted_User12 closing in on @OH20_rbLX


Day 9 here: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 9 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

3 days remain! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Let’s hope all things go well!!

Competition is almost over, best of luck to everyone as you still have a chance to enter and maybe get up to the top 3!!

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Day 10!

Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 10 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

2 days remain, it’s so close in that top 2!

Good luck everybody!

Everything is so tight, the final countdown is now: Spring Activity Competition - 2022 - Point roundup 11 - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

:warning: Under 25 hours remain!

Timer completed, read below for more!

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So close, best of luck everyone!

Guys we may have a bit of an issue…

Under 5 minutes remain!

What could be the issue?

The final results (maybe): Spring Activity Competition - Final Results (Maybe) - DevelopmentTeam - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

… and we might have an issue with the poll there as well.

Final scores: Spring Activity Competition - Final Results - Public Communications / Forums Announcements - Cookie Tech (thecookie.dev)

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